哥 林 多 前 书 10:31 [hgb]  所 以 你 们 或 吃 或 喝 , 无 论 作 什 么 , 都 要 为 荣 耀 神 而 行 。

1 Corinthians 10:31 [kjv]  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Recipes by Month 按月份的食谱

march Recipes 三月食谱










































































What to eat for health in March


In March, when spring flowers bloom, the temperature gradually warms up, and everything recovers, a vibrant scene. Spring is more suitable for outings and enjoying the natural beauty. It has a good effect on relieving spring sleepiness and preventing depression. For us in general, we should pay attention to some daily life in order to achieve the purpose of health preservation.


Climate characteristics in March


March is halfway through spring. Among the twenty-four solar terms, there are two solar terms, "Jing Zhe" and "Spring Equinox".


"Jing Zhe" refers to the early sound of spring thunder, which awakens the dormant insects. According to general climatic laws, the weather in various places before and after the "Jing Zhe" has begun to warm up, and spring thunder has gradually appeared, and hibernating animals have begun to wake up and unearth activities. The rain is increasing, which is a favorable time for spring sowing.


The "minute" of the vernal equinox means that it is half over. This is the busiest time for farmers, and it should be the season when spring flowers are blooming.


What to eat for health in March


Chinese medicine believes that the liver should be nourished in spring, and if the liver qi is too strong, it will damage the spleen. In spring, pay attention to eating more sweet and less sour to nourish the spleen. Eat more sweet foods, such as honey, rice noodles, yam, leeks, spinach, etc. Eat less sour food.


You can eat some foods that are sweet in nature and taste, such as yam, lotus seeds, and white fungus; products that soothe the liver and regulate qi, such as tangerine peel, chrysanthemum, rose, and licorice, soaked in water instead of tea.


For patients who are sick or recovering from the disease, they should eat light, plain, and easy-to-digest foods, such as lotus seed porridge, white fungus porridge, carrot porridge, and walnut porridge.


In addition, nature provides humans with a lot of vegetables in spring, such as spinach, bitter gourd, radish, rape, yam, onion, sweet pepper, cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, bell pepper, leek, etc., which are rich in nutrition and It has a certain therapeutic effect, and it should be timeless to choose food.


Recommended recipes for March


1. Bitter gourd scrambled eggs


Material: half bitter gourd, 2 eggs, salt, vegetable oil


Method: Wash the bitter gourd, remove the flesh, cut into slices, add salt and pinch, knock the eggs into a bowl and break up, first pour the eggs into the pot and fry until solidified, then add the bitter gourd and stir fry together, seasoning. .


2. Amber peach kernel


Material: 150 grams of walnuts, appropriate amount of honey, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of vegetable oil


Method: Put a small amount of water and rock sugar in the wok and cook until melted, add honey and walnut kernels and continue to stir fry, fry them out when they are almost dry, add cooking oil and continue to fry walnut kernels. After serving, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Can.


3. Chicken fried carrots


Material: appropriate amount of chicken breast, appropriate amount of carrot


Practice: Cut the chicken breast into pieces and wash, peel and wash the carrot, slice, first put the chicken breast in the pot and fry until it changes color, add the carrot and stir-fry together, add salt, pepper and other seasoning.


4. Milk egg custard


Material: 250 grams of milk, 2 eggs, 20 grams of sugar


Practice: Knock the eggs into a bowl, add sugar to break up, sieve, add milk and stir well, put it on the pot and steam it with water.


how to live in march


1. Relieve spring fatigue


The principle of health preservation in March is to raise the sun. In spring, people generally feel sleepy and lethargic, and wake up late in the morning, which is called "spring sleepiness" by folks. This is a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs when the physiological functions of the human body change with the seasons. At this time, it is necessary to carry out reasonable mental, daily life, and dietary maintenance according to natural phenological phenomena and physical differences. When everything recovers in spring, you should go to bed late and get up early, take a walk and walk slowly, which can make you happy and healthy. However, people in areas with a large temperature difference between morning and evening should pay attention to keeping warm.


2. Pay attention to nourishing the liver


Liver should be used in spring. Improper health care may damage the liver. Modern epidemiological surveys show that spring is the season of high incidence of liver disease, and attention should be paid to nourishing and protecting the liver to prevent the epidemic of infectious diseases in spring. In the diet, you should eat more sweets, such as yam, jujube, honey, etc., and eat less sour food.


3, pay attention to keep warm


We all know that the reason why spring covers autumn is because the temperature changes greatly in spring, coupled with the sunshine, people often overlook the fickleness and cold of early spring. Therefore, this season, you must not rush to reduce clothes, which will cause many respiratory diseases. It is best to slowly take off the heavy cotton-padded clothes.


4. Prevent disease


Spring is a season of high incidence of many diseases, especially allergies, respiratory diseases and infectious diseases. Therefore, when you are at home, you must clean up frequently, preferably once a week, to clean the house, especially some dead corners. Be careful. People with allergies should pay attention to staying away from allergens when going out.


Diet tips for March


1. Eat less sour food in March, because the sour taste hurts the liver, and spring is the season for nourishing the liver.


2. It is not advisable to eat hot food such as mutton, dog meat, pepper, and pepper.


3. It is not advisable to drink too much alcohol, and do not eat too greasy and indigestible food.