
1. 因为我们这个联排别墅的部分地方是为基督的教会和基督教教育在线院校的设计使用的。我们这里也非常适合那些真诚地信靠三一真神,信仰纯洁的真基督徒和慕道者学生们入住。我们不是为出租,我们只是收取一些维护费用。床位承重范围是小于120公斤,床位空间适用臀围小于120厘米。我们希望入住者,心理,生活习惯都和身体非常健康。我们是位于24小时摄像头视频监控加保安监管的小区,来的人需要出示给我们看你已经有的美国政府的入境许可签证护照或美国政府认可的相关证件,身份证,学生证等,无任何过敏因由,才可入住。 办理入住时,需要出示相关证件。 我们有一只爱斯基摩犬,有时白天可能会吠叫。在自己的房间范围里,有时到户外。晚上基本上安静。入住者需要理解神给我们有一只狗。
2. 入住者需要有Lydia&Enoch甜蜜家庭使用床位编码请在这里申请 LYDIA&ENOCHSWEETFAMILY USE BED ID LYDIA&ENOCH甜蜜家庭使用床位编码。 
3. 每个预订入住时间是入住日 1:00PM - 9:00PM, 退出日退出时间是 7:00AM-10:00 当需要的时候,在上一个预订有效期到之前,提前做好下一个预订
4. 社交账户是了解一个人生活基本信息的参考。为了保护每位客人的安全,互相尊重。请在预订之前告诉我们,您的Instagram,或者Facebook,或者Twitter,或微信圈等,以便我们能够充分了解您。您需要有一位朋友或亲属作为担保人并留下他们的联系信息。并且,您需要告诉我们您的租用原因和整个使用计划。  
5. 入住者需要正在做符合圣经原则的工作或学习。  
6. 您的预订必须有您的名字。 不得转给他人使用。不可退款。
7. 当一个人行事正确时,必然得到很好的尊重。为了相互尊重,我们使用安全检查措施办理入住手续,每个携带行李箱也将被检查。我们不看属于个人隐私物品。为了确保所有居民的安全和健康,严禁醉酒,吸烟,赌博,窥探别人私隐,或吸毒等。发现有不良行为的人,我们会让该名客人立即离开并举报。  
10. 在生活中的各个方面,我们一直全采用天然和有机的物品。我们这里不允许使用强烈气味的人和香水或香气。请使用温和有机天然物品,保护我们的健康生活,和我们居住环境空气清新自然健康。
12.提前一个工作天以上预约退出手续。办理入住时间是周一到周日1:00 PM -21:00PM。办理退房是退房日期的早上10:00AM前。特殊情况要看可以预约情况而定。
13.每天晚上9点到早上6点,是睡觉时间,需要保持安静 。在白天,也有人在学习工作, 请在使用每道门进出时,请留意确定关门时保持门安静,不会发出大力关门的声音,以帮助彼此爱护。最好在晚上9:00前回来。 当你有特殊情况,需要在晚上9点之后回来时,请告知房东,并且,你需要保持一切安静,因为彼此爱护,因为其他人正在睡觉。
18. 在居住期间,住客需要对自己使用的范围定期清洁,保持整洁,和参与公共使用范围的清洁工作合理分配。将空间保持在你最初进入时的相同状态下。每个床位有收集垃圾的小装置。属于您自己的日常垃圾需要按时清理。小区里绿色的垃圾箱是生活垃圾;蓝色的垃圾箱式环保垃圾。退房时带走你的垃圾。如果你把房间弄得乱七八糟,移动家具并留下过多的垃圾,我们会收取额外的100美元清洁费。  
20.床上都有具体位置。 如果你睡在错误的床上,你将需要支付100美元的费用。 在另一张床上睡觉会影响其他客人,他们可能会稍后回来到达,并发现他们的床被占用。  
22.客人只允许携带自己的行李箱,背包,手提电脑,手机等简便随行物品。不允许携带进大件物品,产生噪音的电风扇,电暖器等电器产品。违反此规定,客人需要和行李物品一起立即离开,并收取100美元补偿款。 并且,你需要确保你所携带使用的手提电脑和手机是安全产品,以保障电力安全。如有产生损害,按实际赔偿。
23. 妮蒂雅以诺圣经与健康私厨 - 提供有机养生餐饮预订帮助,特色:  
回归三一真神最原来的创造,我们使用全有机天然食材和全程山泉水制作。有机食材能量比其他食材高出超过7倍。其中一些是我们自己栽种培植,性价比非常高。由很多年资深的健美养生营养学烹饪专家妮蒂雅&以诺主理。 感谢神使用我们通过这些食疗帮助了好些人,有好些佳美果效和见证。菜色以港粤菜系搭配美式等,每天的餐的蛋白质,钙质含量高,还含有丰富的矿物质,维生素,纤维素等。搭配餐饮和食材营养比例根据人体每天必需的七大营养元素实际需要搭配份量,而且容易消化吸收,能量转化率高。每份餐饮搭配都能有多种颜色蔬菜,红色食物保养心脏,黄色食物保养肝脏,白色食物保养肺部,绿色食物保养脾脏,黑色食物保养肾脏。人体的内脏都保养好了,整个身体都更容易保持健壮。然而,不仅仅这些,同时更是帮助生长发育者全面需要,帮助人们补充非常好的能量,提升健康,提升免疫力,延缓衰老,养生保健等等。(备注:我们这里无法支持点外卖和外带餐进入我们场所。) 
餐单和餐点价格在我们网站网页。 我们的网页链接,复制到地址到浏览器可以打开网页 https://www.lydiaenochzhou.com/%E5%A6%AE%E8%92%82%E9%9B%85%E4%BB%A5%E8%AF%BA%E5%9C%A3%E7%BB%8F%E4%B8%8E%E5%81%A5%E5%BA%B7-%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5-lydia-enoch-bible-health-home-page/
24. 按照约定办理入住。每个床位的钥匙,使用时,请保管好。离开时,请将钥匙留在锁的位置,让下一位客人可以使用。
25. 当你损坏房源,你需要按照实际造成的亏损支付对应的费用金额。
26. 我们只提供给客人床位使用。客人不得使用我们的地址作任何用途
27. 屋主们有其他工作需要做的,而且工作环境需要保持安静。所以,请不要打电话。请以短信和信息等联系,按照约定好时间地点会面商谈。目前,我们平时日常沟通使用的语言,可以支持的包括有:普通话,英文,粤语广东话。 需要请发电邮给我们:office@lydiaenochzhou.com   


Our TownHouse Rules   
To ensure the safety and mutual respect of each guest, we have established the following house rules: 
 1.  Because part of our this townhouse is designed for our Fuller Church, Christian Home School Union, Academy UNIVERSITY, THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY . We are especially suitable for Christian lady who  like and accept God and Christians students to live here. The bed load-bearing range is for female who are less than 100kg, and the bed space is suitable for whose hip circumference is less than 110cm. We are located in a community with 24-hour camera video surveillance and security supervision. People who come here need to show us your existing US government entry permit visa passport or relevant documents recognized by the US government, ID card, student ID, etc., without any Allergy reasons, and health. Upon check-in, relevant documents are required.
        We have Eskimo dog that sometimes barks during the day. In his room, sometimes outdoors. Basically quiet at night. Guests need to understand that God given us has a dog.
2.The guest needs to have a use bed ID. When you still do not have Lydia&EnochSweetFamily Use bed ID, please apply here. LYDIA&ENOCHSWEETFAMILY USE BED ID LYDIA&ENOCH甜蜜家庭使用床位编码
3. The check-in time for each reservation is 1:00PM-9:00PM on the check-in day, and the check-out time on the check-out day is 7:00AM-10:00 When necessary, make the next reservation in advance before the validity period of the previous reservation expires.
4. Social accounts are a reference for understanding the basic information of a person's life. In order to protect the safety of each guest, respect each other. Please let us know before you book, your Instagram, or Facebook, or Twitter, or WeChat, so that we can fully understand you. You need to have a friend or relative as a guarantor and leave their contact information. And, you need to tell us the reason for your rental and the entire rental plan. 
5. The guests need to be doing  work or study need obey the principles of the Bible.
6. Your reservation has to have your name on it.  Can not be sublet. Non-refundable.
7. When a person is acting right, he must be well respected. In order to respect each other, we use security checks to check in and each carry case will be checked. We don't look at personal belongings. To ensure the safety and health of all residents, it is strictly forbidden to be drunk, smoke, gamble, pry into other people's privacy, or take drugs etc. If finds bad behavior, we will let this guest leave and report immediately.  
8. In order to keep the room clean, please take off your outdoor shoes. You can choose to use our indoor shoes during your stay. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.    
9. To protect personal hygiene, please bring your own paper towels, or you can buy paper towels for your own personal use from us. For ensure that everyone can use the working normally bathroom, please when using the bathroom, bath tub etc., keep the pipeline smooth.Please put paper towels, hair and other debris into the trash can; please do not put them into the toilet, bathtub and so on. It is strictly forbidden to use hair dyes and other products that are prone to cleaning problems in this bathroom. Violation  this rule requires the consequences of being responsible is clean up. Currently, this bathroom is only available for guests to use the toilet and shower. At present, the bathing time provided to guests in this bathroom for shower is set between 19:00PM -21:00PM in the evening. The shower time is within 15 minutes. After used, you need to clean the bathroom to facilitate other people who need to use.At the edge of each bed, we have a boutique bedside table for everyone's makeup, work and study. Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.  
10.  In all aspects of life. We have always used natural and organic products. We do not allow use strong scents and perfumes or Scents to be used here. Please use mild organic natural products to protect our health life, and keep us living environment with fresh, natural and healthy air.
11. In order to take care of each other and keep quiet learning and rest, please use the headphones when needed. To protect your ears, it is recommended that you adjust the volume of the headphones to fit the ear for a comfortable volume. Call outside the outdoor garden and control the volume, or use text message to communicate.  
12.  For Check in and check out , need made reservation more than one working day in advance. Check-in time is Monday to Sunday 1:00 PM -21:00 PM. Check-out is before 10:00 AM on the check-out date. Special circumstances are subject to availability.
13. Every night from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am, it is bedtime, and you need to keep quiet. During the day, there are also people studying and working. When using each door to enter and exit, please pay attention to make sure that the door is kept quiet when closing, and will not make the sound of closing the door vigorously, so as to help each other love each other. Best to be back before 9:00pm. When you have special circumstances and need to come back after 10pm, please let the landlord know, and you need to keep everything quiet because you love each other because everyone else is sleeping.
14. After 9 pm and before 6 am the next day, it's quiet time. No music, talking, cooking or showers are allowed to respect the other guests sleep.  
15. During your stay, you need to take care of your belongings and take care of your safety. We are not responsible for the guests' any loss of property, health, spirit and so on.    
16. Early check-in and late check-out are not allowed. Guests are required to bring their belongings when leaving the venue. We are not responsible for keeping your property. Items that guests do not take away will be cleaned up 10 minutes after the guests leave the venue.
17.Please inspect the property when you first check in to make sure there are no damages from previous guests that we missed when cleaning. Report them to us within the first couple of hours from when you check in. This way you don't get charged for things you didn't do.  
18. During the stay, residents are required to regularly clean and keep clean own rented space, and properly distribute the cleaning work involved in public use. Keep the space in the same state as when you first entered.Beside  Each bed has a small device for collecting garbage. Your own daily garbage needs to be cleaned up on time. The green garbage bin in the community is domestic garbage; the blue garbage bin-type environmental Recyclable waste. Take your trash off when you check out. If you mess up the room, move the furniture and leave too much trash, we will charge an additional $100 cleaning fee.
19.Visitors and extra guests beyond the number on the reservation are not allowed for the security of everybody in the house. When we find out you have brought an extra guest to the house you will be charged the extra guest fee per night plus a compensation of $100.   
20.The beds have Specific location. If you sleep in the wrong bed, you will be charged a $100 fee. Sleeping in another bed will impact other guests who may check in late and find their bed occupied.  
21. When a guest sleeps in the townhouse without a current reservation and we have a witness or two who can testify, they will pay a $100 compensation for each night they were there.   
22.Guests are only allowed to bring their own luggage, backpacks, laptops, mobile phones and other convenient accompanying items. It is not allowed to bring in bulky items, electric fans, electric heaters and other electrical products that make noise. Violation of this rule, the guest needs to leave immediately with luggage and items, and will be charged a $100 compensation fee. Also, you need to make sure that the laptops and mobile phones you carry and use are safe products to ensure electrical safety. If there is any damage, compensation shall be made according to the actual situation.
23. Lydia Enoch Bible and Healthy Private Kitchen - Provide organic health food reservation help, features: Returning to the most original creation of the Triune True God, we use all organic natural ingredients and whole mountain spring water for production. The energy of organic food is more than 7 times higher than that of other food. Some of them are cultivated by ourselves, which are very cost-effective. It is managed by Lydia & Enoch, who have been experienced for many years in bodybuilding, nutrition and nutrition. Thank God for using us to help many people through these dietary treatments, with many beautiful results and testimonies. The dishes are Hong Kong and Cantonese cuisine with American style, etc. The daily meal is high in protein and calcium, and also rich in minerals, vitamins, and cellulose. Matching food and ingredients The nutritional ratio is matched according to the actual needs of the seven major nutrients that the human body needs every day, and it is easy to digest and absorb, and has a high energy conversion rate. Each meal can have a variety of colors of vegetables, red food for the heart, yellow food for the liver, white food for the lungs, green food for the spleen, and black food for the kidneys. The internal organs of the human body are well maintained, and the whole body is easier to keep strong. However, not only these, but also to help the growth and development of the comprehensive needs of people, to help people replenish very good energy, improve health, enhance immunity, delay aging, health care and so on. (Remarks: We cannot support ordering takeaway and takeaway meals into our place.)
The menu and meal prices are on our website page. Our web page link, copy it to the address and open the web page https://www.lydiaenochzhou.com/%E5%A6%AE%E8%92%82%E9%9B%85%E4%BB%A5%E8 %AF%BA%E5%9C%A3%E7%BB%8F%E4%B8%8E%E5%81%A5%E5%BA%B7-%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5-lydia- enoch-bible-health-home-page/
24. Please keep well the key of each bed when using them. When leaving, leave the key in the lock so that the next guest can use it. 
25. When you damage the property, you need to pay the corresponding fee amount according to the actual loss caused.   
26. We only provide beds for guest use. Guests are not allowed to use our address for any purpose.
27. Landlords have other jobs to do and a quiet working environment. So please don't call. Please contact by text message or message, etc., and meet and discuss at the agreed time and place. At present, the languages we use in daily communication include: Mandarin, English, and Cantonese. If necessary, please sent Email to us. Our Email: office@lydiaenochzhou.com
Lydia Enoch Sweet Family