Monarch 5th Grade Language Arts 帝王在线五年级语言艺术课程

Homeschooling is a joy with Monarch 5th Grade Language Arts. Accessible 24/7, this online Alpha Omega curriculum has computer-based lessons about the beginning of language, the creation of different languages, reading comprehension, and effective communication. Videos, audio files, and games make the Monarch homeschool course exciting. Purchase of this individual Monarch course grants access to one child for 18 months beginning on the date of activation.


The U.S. AOP Monarch Online Course Usage:

1. Open AOP official website address , click "Start your FREE TRIAL"

2. In the registration page, enter our code Code: MON30FHS Follow the steps can to complete the registration.
3. Settings & manage parents (or teachers) and one or more student accounts
on this landing management page:





AOP Monarch 使用方法


1. 打开AOP 官网地址  点击 Start your FREE TRIAL 

2. 在注册网页,输入我们的代码 Code:  MON30FHS     跟着步骤完成注册

    (我们的君主课程的信息和代码可以私密给有需要的弟兄姊妹们一起祝福其他有需要的人 )


3. 设置&管理家长(或教师)和一个或多个学生的账户 在这个登陆管理页面:


Description 描述

Online, interactive, and exciting: these adjectives best describe Monarch 5th Grade Language Arts, a computer-based Monarch homeschool curriculum from Alpha Omega Publications. Vivid multimedia graphics grab attention; and learning games, video clips, and audio files help explain language, sentences, poetry, and writing. The book report feature asks thought-provoking questions to help your child write A+ reports. Practical projects like writing a free verse prayer and note taking are also included to aid learning.


在线,交互式和令人兴奋的:这些形容词最能形容阿尔法欧米茄出版社的帝王在线五年级语言艺术课程,一种基于计算机的帝王在线家庭学校教育课程。生动的多媒体图形抓住注意力;学习游戏,视频剪辑和音频文件有助于解释语言,句子,诗歌和写作。书报功能会提出令人深思的问题,以帮助您的孩子编写A +报告。实用的项目,如写一个免费的经文祈祷和笔记也包括在内,以帮助学习。


Academic success begins with a Bible-based Alpha Omega curriculum like Monarch 5th Grade Language Arts. This online Monarch homeschool program, which can be used with Windows® or Macintosh® systems, requires no installation. Within seconds, your homeschooler can be enjoying the excitement of an online education anytime and anywhere without waiting and without shipping costs. Monarch 5th Grade Language Arts also has time-saving tools for parents such as automatic grading and lesson planning, multiple printing options for hands-on review, and a customizable school calendar. Order Monarch 5th Grade Language Arts today, and give your child the best in language arts education.

学术上的成功始于基于圣经的阿尔法欧米茄课程,如帝王在线五年级语言艺术课程。这种帝王在线五年级语言艺术课程家庭学校教育计划可以与Windows®或Macintosh®系统一起使用,无需安装。几秒钟之内,您的家庭学生可以随时随地享受在线教育带来的兴奋,无需等待,也无需付运费。 帝王在线五年级语言艺术课程还为家长提供省时的工具,如自动评分和课程计划,多种打印选项以供实践检查,以及可定制的学校日历。今天订购帝王在线五年级语言艺术课程,并为您的孩子提供最好的语言艺术教育。


Resources  资源

Scope and Sequence    课程内容范围和目录

System Requirements  电脑系统要求

In addition to a reliable High Speed Internet Connection and a recent version of Adobe Flash Player, you must have one of the following browsers:

Supported Browsers

  • Google Chrome (current version)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (versions 11 & 10)
  • Mozilla Firefox (current version)
  • Apple Safari (version 9)

Best Effort Browsers

Apple Safari (version 8)

Microsoft Edge*

*While a number of touchscreen-specific features are built into Windows 10, we do not officially support touchscreen interactions at this time.