哥 林 多 前 书 10:31 [hgb]  所 以 你 们 或 吃 或 喝 , 无 论 作 什 么 , 都 要 为 荣 耀 神 而 行 。

1 Corinthians 10:31 [kjv]  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Recipes by Month 按月份的食谱

may Recipes  五月食谱














































































What to eat for health in May


May means that summer has begun to creep in in some places, the temperature is gradually getting hotter, we have completely taken off our thick clothes, and some people have even begun to wear short sleeves and skirts. Although May is only early summer, we also need to pay special attention to diet, clothing and daily life, especially some children, the elderly, pregnant women and other special groups should be especially careful, so as to be able to spend the summer safely and healthily.


Climate characteristics in May


May is when summer is about to begin, including two solar terms, Lixia and Xiaoman.


"Lixia" means farewell to spring in astronomy, and summer will begin soon. This solar term is a time when all things grow and increase. In people's daily life, "Lixia" means that the temperature is getting warmer and the temperature is obviously rising, the hot summer is coming, and there is more rain than "Grain Rain". For crops, "Lixia" is an important solar term for vigorous growth.


"Xiaoman" is a season that expresses phenological changes. At this time, most parts of our country have entered summer, and various plant crops have reached the vigorous growth period. High temperature and rain, the air is hot and humid, which are the meteorological characteristics of "Xiaoman".


what to eat in may


In May, you should eat more foods that have the effect of clearing heat and dispelling dampness, such as red bean, coix seed, mung bean, etc. In addition, you can also eat the following foods regularly.


Vegetables: onion, potato, wax gourd, celery, tomato, cucumber, loofah, yam, carrot, lotus root


Meat: sea cucumber, loach, crucian carp, duck, grass carp, lean meat


Fruits: watermelon, pear, banana, hawthorn, apple, peach, strawberry, water chestnut


Others: sesame, walnut, peanut, black fungus, egg, milk


Recommended recipes for May


1. Potatoes and onions


Material: 1 onion, 100 grams of potatoes


Practice: Wash the potatoes and onions separately, cut them into pieces and slices, put in the potatoes and fry for a while, then add the onions and stir-fry together, and add seasonings to taste.


2. Loofah egg soup


Material: 150 grams of loofah, 50 grams of eggs


Practice: Peel and shred the loofah, beat the eggs, first put the loofah in a pot and boil it with water, then pour in the eggs to boil, and season to taste.


3. Fried shredded pork with celery


Material: 2 stalks of celery, 200 grams of lean meat


Practice: Wash and cut the celery into sections, wash and slice the pork, first put the shredded pork in the pot and fry until it changes color, then put the celery in the pot and stir well, pour in the fried pork shreds and continue to stir fry, add sweet noodle sauce , salt, and other seasonings.


4. Banana milk


Ingredients: 1 pack of milk, 2 bananas, 1 spoon of honey


Practice: Peel the bananas, cut them into sections, put them into a juicer together with milk to extract the juice, add a little honey and mix thoroughly.


5. Yam stewed duck soup


Material: 100 grams of duck meat, appropriate amount of yam


Method: Wash and chop the duck meat into pieces, peel and cut the yam into pieces, blanch the duck meat in boiling water to remove the blood, then pour it into a pot to boil, skim off the foam, and cook until 8 mature When the time, add the yam and cook together, seasoning.


how to live in may


1, pay attention to timely replenishment of water


According to meteorology, if the daily average temperature for 5 consecutive days exceeds 22°C as the beginning of summer, in many areas in the south, May has gradually entered summer, the temperature is high and the air humidity is high, if you sweat a lot, you must be in time The supplementary water, preferably salt water, can also supplement electrolytes and maintain the osmotic pressure in the body.


2. Pay attention to the prevention of heat stroke


Although the summer season has not yet arrived in May, the temperature in some places has actually started to become relatively hot, so everyone must pay attention to preventing heat stroke, especially for people who stay outdoors for a long time and have a lot of physical exertion. It should be noted that it is best to carry some medicines that can cool down the heat.


3. The diet is light and easy to digest


In terms of diet, after entering May, the diet should be based on the principles of clearing away heat and relieving summer heat, strengthening the spleen and nourishing qi, eating light, less oily, and easily digestible foods, and paying attention to ensure that the human body is not immune to calories, protein, vitamins, inorganic salts, etc. needs.


4. Keep a good mood


When the weather is hot in May, people are prone to become irritable and irritable, so mentally, you should maintain a good attitude to avoid anger and anger from hurting your heart. In addition, people who are usually troubled by sleep disorders and restlessness may try combing their hair at night, which is very helpful for promoting blood circulation and improving mood.


Diet tips for May


In May, do not eat fatty, sweet and thick-flavored, spicy and hot products, such as animal fat, sea fish, raw onions, raw garlic, peppers, leeks, shrimps, beef and mutton, etc.