哥 林 多 前 书 10:31 [hgb]  所 以 你 们 或 吃 或 喝 , 无 论 作 什 么 , 都 要 为 荣 耀 神 而 行 。

1 Corinthians 10:31 [kjv]  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

LEBHI 12   Vegetable


LEBHI 12-4

Potato White Baking Potato





马铃薯(学名:Solanum tuberosum L.),属茄科一年生草本植物,块茎可供食用,是全球第四大重要的粮食作物,仅次于小麦、稻谷和玉米。马铃薯又称地蛋、土豆 、洋山芋等,茄科植物的块茎。与小麦、稻谷、玉米、高粱并成为世界五大作物。马铃薯原产于南美洲安第斯山区,人工栽培历史最早可追溯到大约公元前8000年到5000年的秘鲁南部地区。马铃薯主要生产国有中国、俄罗斯、印度、乌克兰、美国等。中国是世界马铃薯总产最多的国家。2015年,中国将启动马铃薯主粮化战略,推进把马铃薯加工成馒头、面条、米粉等主食,马铃薯将成稻米、小麦 、玉米外的又一主粮。















































Introduction of potato ingredients


Potato (scientific name: Solanum tuberosum L.) is an annual herb belonging to the Solanaceae family, with edible tubers. It is the fourth most important food crop in the world, after wheat, rice and corn. Potatoes, also known as ground eggs, potatoes, yam, etc., are the tubers of nightshade plants. Together with wheat, rice, corn, and sorghum, it has become the world's top five crops. Potatoes are native to the Andes Mountains of South America, and the earliest history of artificial cultivation can be traced back to southern Peru from about 8000 to 5000 BC. The main potato producing countries are China, Russia, India, Ukraine, and the United States. China is the country with the largest potato production in the world. In 2015, China will launch the strategy of making potatoes a staple food, and promote the processing of potatoes into staple foods such as steamed bread, noodles, and rice noodles. Potatoes will become another staple food besides rice, wheat and corn.


nutritional value


Potatoes have high nutritional value and medicinal value. They are rich in nutrients, including protein, minerals (phosphorus, calcium, etc.), vitamins and other ingredients. The nutritional structure is also reasonable. It is called "underground apple".

It contains much higher levels of protein and vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2 than apples:

1. Vitamin C is 10 times that of apples.

2. B vitamins are 4 times that of apples.

3. The content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium is several times to dozens of times that of apples, especially the content of potassium, which can be said to be the first among vegetables.

4. It is rich in carbohydrates, which can supply a lot of heat energy to the human body.

5. The skin of potatoes is rich in chlorogenic acid and lipoic acid. Chlorogenic acid has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, and lipoic acid can lighten spots and prevent skin aging.

6. Contains dietary antioxidants that can help prevent senile diseases and a large amount of high-quality cellulose, which can prevent constipation and prevent cancer.


Edible effect


1. Supplement nutrition and can be used as a staple food: Potatoes are rich in vitamins and trace elements such as calcium and potassium, and are easy to digest and absorb, and are rich in nutrients.

2. Nourishes the stomach, strengthens the spleen and removes dampness in harmony: Potatoes contain a lot of starch, protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, etc., which can promote the digestive function of the spleen and stomach.

3. Wide intestine laxative: Potatoes contain a lot of dietary fiber, which can widen the intestine and help the body to excrete metabolic toxins in time and prevent constipation.

4, hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering, beauty and beauty: prevent cardiovascular and systemic fat deposition, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and help prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Potato is also an alkaline vegetable, which is beneficial to the acid-base balance in the body, and has certain beauty and anti-aging effects.

5. Diuresis and swelling: Potassium contained in potatoes can replace sodium in the body, and at the same time can excrete sodium from the body, which is beneficial to the recovery of patients with hypertension and nephritis and edema.

6. Weight loss: The calories produced by each 148 grams of potatoes are only 100 calories, which can effectively control the total intake of fat in people's daily diet.

7. Beauty and skin care: Potatoes have a good effect on skin care and appearance.


For people


It can be eaten by the general public. It is especially suitable for kidney disease patients and diabetic patients on a low-protein diet.


Taboo crowd


No taboo crowd.


Buying skills


1. Look at the shape: round potatoes are powdery potatoes, suitable for salads or mashed potatoes; while the slender May Queen varieties are sticky, not easy to boil, and suitable for curry. Avoid buying if the surface is too uneven.

2. Look at the surface: pick potatoes with smooth skin and shallow bud eyes. Such potatoes are easy to peel, and the potatoes are fully utilized. It is best to choose potatoes that are large and well-proportioned, with no dry scars and rough skin, no disease spots, insect bites and mechanical trauma, no wilting, softening, and no smell of fermented alcohol.

3. Look at the color: buy yellow-skinned potatoes. Yellow-skinned potatoes have dark yellow skin, light yellow interior color, high starch content, carotene content, and good taste. Also, be careful not to buy and eat potatoes with green skins. Because the solanum contained in it is toxic, it will not be destroyed by heating, and it will be poisoned if eaten.


Storage brief


1. Potatoes can be stored in a cool place, not in the sun, and there is no need to put them in the refrigerator. If the temperature is too high, potatoes will sprout or rot. If the temperature is too low, potatoes will be easily frostbitten and cannot be eaten.

2. Potatoes can be stored at room temperature without washing. Potatoes and apples can be placed together. Since apples will release an ethylene gas that ages other fruits and vegetables, potato germination can be inhibited.

3. Potatoes should be placed in a dark corner, otherwise the skin will turn green and may be poisoned after eating.


Other relevant instructions


1. Sprouted potatoes can't be eaten. After potatoes sprout, there will be a lot of toxic solanine around the bud holes, which is a neurotoxin that can inhibit the respiratory center. It is best not to eat sprouted potatoes. If you want to eat it, you need to dig deep and peel off the skin near the sprouts, then soak in water for 2 hours, and the cooking time should be longer.

2. Green-skinned potatoes cannot be eaten. The alkaloid toxicity of green-skinned potatoes is much higher than the toxins in the eye sockets of potato sprouts. Potatoes sprout, as long as the buds are wiped off and the skin is scraped off, it can be eaten. Green-skinned potatoes are not edible. If you feel a little numbness in your mouth when you eat potatoes, it means that the potatoes also contain more solanine, and you should stop eating them immediately to prevent poisoning.


[ 每100克的营养成分含量 ]



能量 92 千卡

蛋白质 2.1 克

脂肪 0.15 克

碳水化合物 21.08 克

粗纤维 2.1 克



单不饱和脂肪酸 0.003 克

多不饱和脂肪酸 0.066 克

多不饱和脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例 60.6 %

反式脂肪酸 克

反式脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例 %

胆固醇 毫克

植物固醇 毫克

胡萝卜素 6 微克

叶黄素类 30 微克

番茄红素 微克



钙 10 毫克

镁 27 毫克

钠 7 毫克

钾 544 毫克

磷 75 毫克

硫 13.5601 毫克

氯 10.794 毫克

铁 0.64 毫克

碘 微克

锌 0.35 毫克

硒 0.5 微克

铜 0.127 毫克

锰 0.189 毫克

氟 微克



维生素A 3 微克

维生素C 12.6 毫克

维生素D 微克

维生素E 0.04 毫克

维生素K 2.7 微克

维生素P(类黄酮) 1.2 毫克

维生素B1(硫胺素) 0.048 毫克

维生素B2(核黄素) 0.043 毫克

维生素B3(烟酸) 1.528 毫克

维生素B4(胆碱) 14.4 毫克

维生素B5(泛酸) 0.383 毫克

维生素B6 0.211 毫克

维生素B7(生物素) 微克

维生素B9(叶酸) 38 微克

维生素B12 微克

维生素B14(甜菜碱) 0.2 毫克



亮氨酸 100 毫克

蛋氨酸 32 毫克

苏氨酸 68 毫克

赖氨酸 109 毫克

色氨酸 21 毫克

缬氨酸 105 毫克

组氨酸 35 毫克

异亮氨酸 68 毫克

苯丙氨酸 83 毫克

Nutrition Facts List for White Baked Potatoes

[Nutrition content per 100g]


basic nutrition

Energy 92 kcal

Protein 2.1 g

Fat 0.15 g

Carbohydrates 21.08 g

Crude Fiber 2.1 g



Monounsaturated Fatty Acids 0.003 g

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 0.066 g

Polyunsaturated fatty acids as a percentage of total fatty acids 60.6 %

trans fatty acid grams

Trans fatty acids as % of total fatty acids

Cholesterol mg

Plant sterols mg

Carotene 6 mcg

Lutein 30 mcg

Lycopene mcg



Calcium 10 mg

Magnesium 27 mg

Sodium 7 mg

Potassium 544 mg

Phosphorus 75 mg

Sulfur 13.5601 mg

Chlorine 10.794 mg

Iron 0.64 mg

Iodine mcg

Zinc 0.35 mg

Selenium 0.5 mcg

Copper 0.127 mg

Manganese 0.189 mg

Fluorine micrograms



Vitamin A 3 mcg

Vitamin C 12.6 mg

Vitamin D mcg

Vitamin E 0.04 mg

Vitamin K 2.7 mcg

Vitamin P (flavonoids) 1.2 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.048 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.043 mg

Vitamin B3 (niacin) 1.528 mg

Vitamin B4 (choline) 14.4 mg

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.383 mg

Vitamin B6 0.211 mg

Vitamin B7 (Biotin) mcg

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 38 mcg

Vitamin B12 mcg

Vitamin B14 (Betaine) 0.2 mg


amino acid

Leucine 100 mg

Methionine 32 mg

Threonine 68 mg

Lysine 109 mg

Tryptophan 21 mg

Valine 105 mg

Histidine 35 mg

Isoleucine 68 mg

Phenylalanine 83 mg