哥 林 多 前 书 10:31 [hgb]  所 以 你 们 或 吃 或 喝 , 无 论 作 什 么 , 都 要 为 荣 耀 神 而 行 。

1 Corinthians 10:31 [kjv]  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

LEBHI 11    Meats  


LEBHI 11-4   Chicken Thighs






























Introduction of chicken thigh ingredients


Chicken thigh is the meat from the foot to the leg and the root of the leg. The meat is quite hard. When ingested with the skin, the fat content is high, and it is also the part with the highest iron content in the whole chicken.


nutritional value


1. Compared with pork and beef, chicken has higher protein content and lower fat content. In addition, chicken protein is rich in essential amino acids, and its content is very similar to the amino acid profile in egg milk, so it is a source of high-quality protein. The protein content of chicken varies according to the part, with and without the skin, and the order from highest to lowest is roughly skinless chicken, breast, and thigh. Chicken skin contains a lot of lipids, so skin-on chicken should never be considered a low-calorie food.

2. Chicken is also a good source of phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc, and is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin K, etc.

3. Compared with beef and pork, the lipids of chicken contain more unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which can reduce the content of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is harmful to human health.


Edible effect


1. Strengthen the body: Chicken has a high digestibility and is easily absorbed and utilized by the human body, which has the effect of enhancing physical strength and strengthening the body.

2. Improve immunity: In modern society, white-collar workers who are often in a sub-healthy state are busy every day to eat more to enhance immunity and reduce the chance of illness. Chicken has the functions of warming the middle and replenishing qi, replenishing essence and filling marrow, benefiting the five internal organs, and replenishing deficiency. It is used for the treatment of consumptive thinness, lack of food intake, diarrhea, dizziness, heart palpitations, irregular menstruation, postpartum milk shortage, diabetes, edema and other symptoms .

3. Invigorating the kidney essence: It can relieve the symptoms of frequent urination, deafness, less essence and coldness caused by insufficient kidney essence.

4. Promote intellectual development: It has antioxidant and certain detoxification effects. It has a better role in improving heart and brain function and promoting children's intellectual development.


For people


suitable for majority of the people. Elderly, sick, infirm, and anemia patients are more suitable for consumption.


Taboo crowd


People with cold and fever, excessive internal fire, heavy phlegm and dampness, obese patients, people with heat toxin furuncle, people with high blood pressure, people with high blood lipids, people with cholecystitis and cholelithiasis should not eat.


Buying skills


The skin of fresh chicken drumsticks is light white, the muscles are firm and elastic, dry and has no peculiar smell, and can be quickly recovered by pressing lightly with your hands; the skin of stale drumsticks is light gray or yellow, the muscles are softer, the color is darker, and there is a slight peculiar smell , Press it with your hand to leave a noticeable mark.


[ 每100克的营养成分含量 ]



能量 181 千卡

蛋白质 16 克

脂肪 13 克

碳水化合物 克

粗纤维 克



单不饱和脂肪酸 5.1 克

多不饱和脂肪酸 3.1 克

多不饱和脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例 24.9 %

反式脂肪酸 克

反式脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例 %

胆固醇 162 毫克

植物固醇 毫克

胡萝卜素 微克

叶黄素类 102 微克

番茄红素 微克



钙 6 毫克

镁 34 毫克

钠 64.4 毫克

钾 242 毫克

磷 172 毫克

硫 153.41 毫克

氯 99.3 毫克

铁 1.5 毫克

碘 微克

锌 1.12 毫克

硒 12.4 微克

铜 0.09 毫克

锰 0.03 毫克

氟 微克



维生素A 13.8 微克

维生素C 毫克

维生素D 0.1 微克

维生素E 0.03 毫克

维生素K 2.5 微克

维生素P(类黄酮) 毫克

维生素B1(硫胺素) 0.02 毫克

维生素B2(核黄素) 0.14 毫克

维生素B3(烟酸) 6 毫克

维生素B4(胆碱) 12.4 毫克

维生素B5(泛酸) 1.034 毫克

维生素B6 0.345 毫克

维生素B7(生物素) 微克

维生素B9(叶酸) 1.6 微克

维生素B12 0.53 微克

维生素B14(甜菜碱) 8.7 毫克



亮氨酸 1320 毫克

蛋氨酸 490 毫克

苏氨酸 740 毫克

赖氨酸 1430 毫克

色氨酸 140 毫克

缬氨酸 710 毫克

组氨酸 420 毫克

异亮氨酸 610 毫克

苯丙氨酸 580 毫克

Nutrition Facts List for Chicken Thighs

[Nutrition content per 100g]


basic nutrition

Energy 181 kcal

16 grams of protein

Fat 13 g

carbohydrate grams

Crude fiber grams



Monounsaturated Fatty Acids 5.1 g

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 3.1 g

Polyunsaturated fatty acids as a percentage of total fatty acids 24.9 %

trans fatty acid grams

Trans fatty acids as % of total fatty acids

Cholesterol 162 mg

Plant sterols mg

Carotene mcg

Lutein 102 mcg

Lycopene mcg



Calcium 6 mg

Magnesium 34 mg

Sodium 64.4 mg

Potassium 242 mg

Phosphorus 172 mg

Sulfur 153.41 mg

Chlorine 99.3 mg

Iron 1.5 mg

Iodine mcg

Zinc 1.12 mg

Selenium 12.4 mcg

Copper 0.09 mg

Manganese 0.03 mg

Fluorine micrograms



Vitamin A 13.8 mcg

Vitamin C mg

Vitamin D 0.1 mcg

Vitamin E 0.03 mg

Vitamin K 2.5 mcg

Vitamin P (flavonoids) mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.02 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.14 mg

Vitamin B3 (niacin) 6 mg

Vitamin B4 (choline) 12.4 mg

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 1.034 mg

Vitamin B6 0.345 mg

Vitamin B7 (Biotin) mcg

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 1.6 mcg

Vitamin B12 0.53 mcg

Vitamin B14 (Betaine) 8.7 mg


amino acid

Leucine 1320 mg

Methionine 490 mg

Threonine 740 mg

Lysine 1430 mg

Tryptophan 140 mg

Valine 710 mg

Histidine 420 mg

Isoleucine 610 mg

Phenylalanine 580 mg

Thanks God !