哥 林 多 前 书 10:31 [hgb]  所 以 你 们 或 吃 或 喝 , 无 论 作 什 么 , 都 要 为 荣 耀 神 而 行 。

1 Corinthians 10:31 [kjv]  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

 LEBHI 10    Fruit


LEBHI 10-6  Yellow Lemon




柠檬(Citrus limon)是芸香科柑桔属的常绿小乔木,原产东南亚,现主要产地为美国、意大利、西班牙和希腊。主要为榨汁用,有时也用做烹饪调料,但基本不用作鲜食。柠檬由阿拉伯人带往欧洲,古希腊、古罗马的文献中均无记载,15世纪时才在意大利热那亚开始种植,1494年在亚速尔群岛出现,富含维生素C。































Introduction to lemon ingredients


Lemon (Citrus limon) is an evergreen small tree of the genus Citrus of the Rutaceae family, native to Southeast Asia, and now mainly produced in the United States, Italy, Spain and Greece. It is mainly used for juicing, and sometimes used as cooking seasoning, but it is basically not used for fresh food. Lemons were brought to Europe by Arabs. There is no record in ancient Greek and Roman literature. It was only cultivated in Genoa, Italy in the 15th century, and appeared in the Azores in 1494. It is rich in vitamin C.


nutritional value


Lemons are rich in niacin and organic acids, and their taste is extremely sour. Lemon juice has a strong bactericidal effect and is very good for food hygiene. Experiments have shown that highly acidic lemon juice can kill all bacteria in marine shells within 15 minutes.

Lemon is rich in aroma, can relieve the fishy smell of meat and aquatic products, and make the meat more tender. Lemon can also promote the secretion of proteolytic enzymes in the stomach and increase gastrointestinal motility. Therefore, lemons are often used to make cold dishes and pickles in the daily life of Westerners.

Lemon juice contains a lot of citrate, which can inhibit the crystallization of calcium salts, thereby preventing the formation of kidney stones, and even the formed stones can be dissolved. Therefore, eating lemon can prevent and treat kidney stones, and reduce the number of stones in some patients with chronic kidney stones.

Eating lemon can also prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases, relieve the effect of calcium ions to promote blood coagulation, and prevent and treat hypertension and myocardial infarction. Citric acid can shrink and strengthen capillaries, reduce permeability, improve coagulation function and platelet count, shorten coagulation time and bleeding time by 31%-71%, and has hemostatic effect.

The vitamin content of fresh lemon is extremely rich, and it is a natural beauty product. It can prevent and eliminate skin pigmentation and has a whitening effect. In addition, lemon raw food also has a good effect of tocolytic and antiemetic. So lemon is a fruit suitable for women.


Edible effect


1. Relieves summer heat and appetizers: Lemon peel is rich in aromatic volatile components, which can produce body fluid and relieve summer heat, appetizing and refreshing the spleen.

2. Prevention of cardiovascular disease: Lemon is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P, which can enhance the elasticity and toughness of blood vessels, and can prevent and treat hypertension and myocardial infarction symptoms.

3. Clearing away heat and resolving phlegm: Lemon can also remove phlegm.

4. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory: Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which has many functions such as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and enhancing human immunity.

5. Beauty fruit: Lemon has a strong antioxidant effect, which is very effective in promoting skin metabolism, delaying aging and inhibiting pigmentation.

For people


suitable for majority of the people. It is especially suitable for those with dry mouth, irritability, indigestion, vitamin C deficiency, pregnant women with restless fetal movement, patients with kidney stones, hypertension and myocardial infarction.


Taboo crowd


Stomach ulcers, excessive gastric acid secretion, patients with dental caries and diabetes should be careful.


Buying skills


1. Lemons are divided into two types: seeded and seedless. The pit of lemon has an astringent taste, so when making fruit tea and making dried lemon slices, try to choose seedless varieties. According to the thickness of the skin, lemons are also divided into two categories: thick-skinned and thin-skinned. The peel of lemon has an astringent taste, and the fragrance of lemon is also in the peel, and there are many effective health care ingredients in the peel. If the astringency is unbearable, choose a thin-skinned variety.

2. When choosing lemons, pay attention to the surface of the peel. The ones with normal shape, smooth surface and uniform color are high-quality ones; those with spots, scabs, and deformities are likely to have been damaged by pests or injuries. Not only is this fruit damaged in nutrients, it may also contain substances that are harmful to human health.

3. Some lemons will lose water seriously because they are picked late or stored for a long time. Some lemons can be seen from the outside, while others cannot be seen from the outside. Once the water loss of lemon is serious, the bitterness and astringency will increase. Therefore, when purchasing lemons, you can pinch the lemon a little with your hand to see if the elasticity of the fruit body is sufficient. If the elasticity is insufficient, there may be a situation of water loss.

4. The lemons in shopping malls and supermarkets are basically selected, and they are similar in size. As for the fruit farmers choose to sell, or pick them from the orchard, they need to pay attention to the size of the fruit. Try to choose a medium or above, and do not choose a small one, which is too bitter.


[ 每100克的营养成分含量 ]



能量 37 千卡

蛋白质 1.1 克

脂肪 1.2 克

碳水化合物 6.2 克

粗纤维 1.3 克



单不饱和脂肪酸 0.011 克

多不饱和脂肪酸 0.089 克

多不饱和脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例 64 %

反式脂肪酸 克

反式脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例 %

胆固醇 毫克

植物固醇 毫克

胡萝卜素 4 微克

叶黄素类 31 微克

番茄红素 微克



钙 101 毫克

镁 37 毫克

钠 1.1 毫克

钾 209 毫克

磷 22 毫克

硫 0.01 毫克

氯 1.7 毫克

铁 0.8 毫克

碘 微克

锌 0.65 毫克

硒 0.5 微克

铜 0.14 毫克

锰 0.05 毫克

氟 微克



维生素A 6.6 微克

维生素C 22 毫克

维生素D 微克

维生素E 1.14 毫克

维生素K 微克

维生素P(类黄酮) 54.3 毫克

维生素B1(硫胺素) 0.05 毫克

维生素B2(核黄素) 0.02 毫克

维生素B3(烟酸) 0.6 毫克

维生素B4(胆碱) 5.1 毫克

维生素B5(泛酸) 0.19 毫克

维生素B6 0.08 毫克

维生素B7(生物素) 微克

维生素B9(叶酸) 11 微克

维生素B12 微克

维生素B14(甜菜碱) 毫克



亮氨酸 毫克

蛋氨酸 毫克

苏氨酸 毫克

赖氨酸 毫克

色氨酸 毫克

缬氨酸 毫克

组氨酸 毫克

异亮氨酸 毫克

苯丙氨酸 毫克

Nutrition Facts List for Lemons

[Nutrition content per 100g]


basic nutrition

Energy 37 kcal

Protein 1.1 g

Fat 1.2 g

Carbohydrates 6.2 g

Crude Fiber 1.3 g



Monounsaturated Fatty Acids 0.011 g

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 0.089 g

Polyunsaturated fatty acids as a percentage of total fatty acids 64 %

trans fatty acid grams

Trans fatty acids as % of total fatty acids

Cholesterol mg

Plant sterols mg

Carotene 4 mcg

Lutein 31 mcg

Lycopene mcg



Calcium 101 mg

Magnesium 37 mg

Sodium 1.1 mg

Potassium 209 mg

Phosphorus 22 mg

Sulfur 0.01 mg

Chlorine 1.7 mg

Iron 0.8 mg

Iodine mcg

Zinc 0.65 mg

Selenium 0.5 mcg

Copper 0.14 mg

Manganese 0.05 mg

Fluorine micrograms



Vitamin A 6.6 mcg

Vitamin C 22 mg

Vitamin D mcg

Vitamin E 1.14 mg

Vitamin K mcg

Vitamin P (flavonoids) 54.3 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.05 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.02 mg

Vitamin B3 (niacin) 0.6 mg

Vitamin B4 (choline) 5.1 mg

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.19 mg

Vitamin B6 0.08 mg

Vitamin B7 (Biotin) mcg

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 11 mcg

Vitamin B12 mcg

Vitamin B14 (betaine) mg


amino acid

Leucine mg

Methionine mg

Threonine mg

Lysine mg

Tryptophan mg

Valine mg

Histidine mg

Isoleucine mg

Phenylalanine mg
