LIFEPAC® 9th Grade History & Geography Civics & World Geography 10-Unit Set LIFEPAC®9年级历史和地理公民与世界地理学生本10单元/套



Product Details






Publisher :  Alpha Omega Publications






Country/Region of Manufacture:United States



Product ID:  HIS0900 

产品编码 -  HIS0900


Product Dimensions: 11.05 x 8.49 x 1.25 inches

产品尺寸:11.05 x 8.49 x 1.25 英寸


Item Weight : 3.60 pounds


产品重量:3.60 磅


ISBN: 9780867170436




  • 3.6 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1


您需要简化生活吗?有什么比选择一套完整的历史工作文本更简单的呢?因此,获得LIFEPAC Civics&World Geography 10单元套装!这十个基于印刷的工作文本包含一年的课程!此Alpha Omega课程中的每个工作文本均包含分步课程,自我测试和可移动的教师管理的测试。



Do you need to simplify your life? What could be simpler than selecting a complete set of history worktexts? So get the LIFEPAC Civics & World Geography 10-Unit Set! These ten print-based worktexts containing one full year of lessons! Each worktext in this Alpha Omega curriculum includes step-by-step lessons, self tests, and a removable teacher-administered test.




您准备好通过LIFEPAC工作文本课程来教您的九年级学生有趣,有趣的历史课吗?已经有老师的指导了吗?不用担心 Alpha Omega Publications提供了完美的解决方案-LIFEPAC思域与世界地理10单元套装!这份为期一年的书集包含十个全彩色的循序渐进工作文本,提供了有关重要的世界历史和地理事实的完整概述。每个九年级的历史和地理工作文本都提供集成的主题材料,个性化的指导选项以及分步教学!该Alpha Omega课程的主题包括:美国遗产,国家政府,州和地方政府,公民身份,世界各地,地理学家的工具,环境等。  





Are you ready to teach your ninth grader fun, interesting history lessons with the LIFEPAC worktext curriculum? Already have the teacher's guide? Don't worry; Alpha Omega Publications has the perfect solution-the LIFEPAC Civics & World Geography 10-Unit Set! This one-year set contains ten full-color, step-by-step worktexts that offer a complete overview of important world history and geographical facts. Each individual ninth grade history and geography worktext offers integrated subject material, personalized instruction options, and step-by-step lessons! Topics in this Alpha Omega curriculum include the following: U.S. heritage, national government, state and local government, citizenship, regions of the world, tools of the geographer, the environment, and more.  

Hold on—there's more! The LIFEPAC Civics & World Geography 10-Unit Set has flexible, student-directed lessons that include map reading exercises, flexible lessons, and diverse question formats. And your teen will feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment as he completes each progressive worktext in as little as three to four weeks. But here's the best news! Each LIFEPAC worktext includes mastery learning techniques like concept reviews, self tests, plus one removable teacher-administered unit test—all designed to reinforce and solidify student comprehension. With all of these amazing benefits, why wouldn't you want to get this best-selling homeschool curriculum in one simple step? To get the LIFEPAC Civics & World Geography 10-Unit Set, just add it to your cart today.


  • 打印工作文本
  • 基于掌握的学习形式
  • 综合课程计划
  • 自定进度,独立学习

At a Glance

  • Print worktexts
  • Mastery-based learning format
  • Integrated lesson plans
  • Self-paced, independent study


  • 基督教工作文本课程
  • K-12 年级
  • 基于精通
  • 5个主要科目
  • 许多选修课
  • 自定进度


  • Christian Worktext Curriculum
  • Grades K-12
  • Mastery-based
  • 5 Main Subjects
  • Numerous Electives
  • Self-paced