LIFEPAC® 9th Grade Language Arts English I 10-Unit Set LIFEPAC® 9年级语言艺术 英语 I 学生本 10 单元/套


Product Details






Publisher :  Alpha Omega Publications






Country/Region of Manufacture:United States



Product ID:  LAN0900

产品编码 -  LAN0900


Product Dimensions: 11.06 x 8.53 x 1.24 inches

产品尺寸:11.06 x 8.53 x 1.24 英寸


Item Weight : 3.35 pounds


产品重量:3.35 磅


ISBN: 9780867170672 




  • 3.35 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1


准备使用LIFEPAC工作文本教您的青少年语言,但已经有了教师指南吗?没问题!试试LIFEPAC English I 10单元套装!这十种基于打印的色彩丰富的工作文本包含一年的课程。此Alpha Omega课程中的每个工作文本都包含集成的概念,自我测试和一个可移动的教师管理的测试。


Ready to teach your teen language with LIFEPAC worktexts, but already have the teacher's guide? No problem! Try the LIFEPAC English I 10-Unit Set! These ten colorful, print-based worktexts contain one full year of lessons. Each worktext in this Alpha Omega curriculum includes integrated concepts, self tests, and one removable teacher-administered test.



您是否想参加一整年的LIFEPAC语言艺术课程,但已经有了教师指南?不用担心 Alpha Omega Publications完全满足您的需求-LIFEPAC English I 10单元套装!这套包含十个结构化的分步练习文本,可为您的学生提供基本语法规则和基本英语原则的完整概述。内容丰富的学习主题包括语言的性质和结构,实用的英语,短篇小说,文学语言,阅读技巧,交流,图书馆,戏剧和小说等等!内容丰富且有趣,每个单独的九年级语言艺术作品都充满了有用的词汇表,各种问题格式以及灵活的,由学生指导的课程!

而且,如果您的高中生讨厌笨拙,难以处理的教科书,那么他会喜欢这十种超轻,易耗的工作文本,每条文本都可以在三到四个星期内完成。现在,这里的课程实际上可以激发您的青少年学习!更重要的是,他也将在完成这些工作后获得极大的成就感。听起来不错,不是吗?但是您怎么知道您的学生真的在学习呢?此Alpha Omega课程中的每个LIFEPAC工作文本都包括一致的评论,自我测试和一项可移动的老师管理的单元测试,所有这些均添加到书中,以增强学生的理解力。因此,您还等什么—只需一小步即可订购全年最畅销的语言艺术家庭学校课程!立即将LIFEPAC English I 10单元套装添加到您的购物车。




Do you want to get a full year of LIFEPAC language arts lessons, but you already have teacher's guide? Don't worry. Alpha Omega Publications has exactly what you need—the LIFEPAC English I 10-Unit Set! This set contains ten structured, step-by-step worktexts that offer your student a complete overview of essential grammar rules and fundamental English principles. Informative subjects of study include the nature and structure of language, practical English, short stories, language in literature, reading skills, communication, the library, drama and the novel, and more! Informative and interesting, each individual ninth grade language arts worktext is filled with helpful vocabulary lists, various question formats, and flexible, student-directed lessons!

And if your high schooler hates clunky, hard-to-handle textbooks, he'll love these ten ultra-light, consumable worktexts which each can be completed in three to four weeks. Now here's a curriculum that actually motivates your teen to learn! What's more, he'll experience a great sense of accomplishment after he finishes them too. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? But how will you know that your student is really learning? Each LIFEPAC worktext in this Alpha Omega curriculum includes consistent reviews, self tests, and one removable teacher-administered unit test which are all added to solidify student comprehension. So, what are you waiting for—a full year of best-selling language arts homeschool curriculum can be ordered in one simple step! Add the LIFEPAC English I 10-Unit Set to your cart today.



  • 打印工作文本
  • 基于掌握的学习形式
  • 综合课程计划
  • 自定进度,独立学习

At a Glance

  • Print worktexts
  • Mastery-based learning format
  • Integrated lesson plans
  • Self-paced, independent study


  • 基督教工作文本课程
  • K-12 年级
  • 基于精通
  • 5个主要科目
  • 许多选修课
  • 自定进度


  • Christian Worktext Curriculum
  • Grades K-12
  • Mastery-based
  • 5 Main Subjects
  • Numerous Electives
  • Self-paced