LIFEPAC® 11th Grade Science Chemistry 10-Unit Set LIFEPAC® 11级科学化学 学生本10单元/套



Product Details






Publisher :  Alpha Omega Publications






Country/Region of Manufacture:United States



Product ID:  SCI1100

产品编码 -  SCI1100


Product Dimensions: 11.22 x 8.46 x 1.85  inches

产品尺寸:11.22 x 8.46 x 1.85 英寸


Item Weight : 3.75 pounds


产品重量:3.75 磅


ISBN: 9781580957816




  • 3.75 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

想用 LIFEPAC 教材教您的 11 年级学生化学,但不需要老师的指导?没问题。Alpha Omega Publications 为您准备了 LIFEPAC 化学 10 单元套装!此 Alpha Omega 课程中的十个消耗品、基于印刷的工作文本包含一整年的化学课程,包括复习、自测和单元测试。


Want to teach your eleventh grader chemistry with LIFEPAC worktexts, but don't need the teacher's guide? Not a problem. Alpha Omega Publications has the LIFEPAC Chemistry 10-Unit Set just for you! Ten consumable, print-based worktexts in this Alpha Omega curriculum contain one full year of chemistry lessons including reviews, self tests, and unit tests.



您想用最畅销的 LIFEPAC 家庭学校课程教授化学吗?已经有了教师指南,只需要另一个孩子的作业文本?Alpha Omega Publications 为您准备了无教师指南的 LIFEPAC 化学 10 单元套装!这套 10 个消耗性工作文本涵盖了您的孩子在大学取得成功所需的化学主题。基本化学单位、气体和摩尔、原子模型、化学公式和反应、平衡系统、碳氢化合物和碳化学的自定进度课程很容易理解,并以循序渐进的方式呈现,而且操作起来很有趣,动手实验室实验和活动。精通学习技巧通过有益的评论和自我测试来加强学生的理解和记忆,确保成功。此外,这个 Alpha Omega 课程中的每个单元都可以在短短三到四个星期内合理地完成。对您的孩子来说,这是多么强大的信心建设者啊!

以下是一些使这些 LIFEPAC 工作文本如此受在家上学的学生和家长欢迎的功能。与笨重笨拙的传统化学教科书不同,LIFEPAC 工作文本超薄、紧凑且易于使用。您的孩子会喜欢这种为科学计算留出空间的文本格式。当家庭学校的时间表让您忙个不停时,您会爱上它的便携性,让您的孩子随时随地舒适地完成他的化学计算!所以不要拖延。使用 LIFEPAC 化学 10 单元套装,化学教学既有趣又轻松。今天就把这个最喜欢的家庭学校课程添加到您的购物车吧!



Do you want to teach your chemistry with the best-selling LIFEPAC homeschool curriculum? Already have the teacher's guide and just need the worktexts for another child? Alpha Omega Publications has the LIFEPAC Chemistry 10-Unit Set without the teacher's guide just for you! This set of ten consumable worktexts covers the chemistry topics your child will need to succeed in college. Self-paced lessons in basic chemical units, gases and moles, atomic models, chemical formulas and reactions, equilibrium systems, hydrocarbons, and carbon chemistry are easy to understand and presented in a step-by-step fashion with fun-to-do, hands-on lab experiments and activities. Mastery learning techniques ensure success with helpful reviews and self tests that reinforce student comprehension and retention. Plus each unit in this Alpha Omega curriculum can reasonably be finished in as little as three to four weeks. What a great confidence builder for your child!

Here are a few more features that make these LIFEPAC worktexts so popular with homeschooling students and parents. Unlike traditional chemistry textbooks that are bulky and awkward, the LIFEPAC worktexts are ultra slim, compact, and easy to use. Your child will love the text format that allows amble space for scientific computations. And when homeschool schedules keep you on the go, you'll love the portability that allows your child to comfortably complete his chemistry calculations anywhere, anytime! So don't delay. Teaching chemistry is fun and easy with the LIFEPAC Chemistry 10-Unit Set. Add this homeschool curriculum favorite to your shopping cart today!



  • 打印工作文本
  • 基于掌握的学习形式
  • 综合课程计划
  • 自定进度,独立学习

At a Glance

  • Print worktexts
  • Mastery-based learning format
  • Integrated lesson plans
  • Self-paced, independent study


  • 基督教工作文本课程
  • K-12 年级
  • 基于精通
  • 5个主要科目
  • 许多选修课
  • 自定进度


  • Christian Worktext Curriculum
  • Grades K-12
  • Mastery-based
  • 5 Main Subjects
  • Numerous Electives
  • Self-paced