美国阿尔法欧米伽出版社 地平线视野课程一年级书法学生本 USA ALPHA OMEGA PUBLICATIONS Horizons 1st Grade Penmanship Student Book








产品编码 -   JLP101

产品重量:1.12 磅

产品尺寸:10.75 x 9.0 x 0.5 英寸

书号: 9780740302046




Publisher :  USA Alpha Omega Publications


Country/Region of Manufacture:United States

Product ID:   JLP101

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.12 pounds

Product Dimensions:  10.75 x 9.0 x 0.5  inches

ISBN:   9780740302046




  • 1.12 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

使用 Alpha Omega Publications 的 Horizons 一年级书法学生用书,教您的孩子漂亮的手写艺术。这本以圣经为基础的全彩学生练习册包含 160 节课以及易于学习的手稿写作练习,其中包括大小写字母和单词、数字、标点符号等等!

Teach your child the art of beautiful handwriting with Horizons 1st Grade Penmanship Student Book from Alpha Omega Publications. This full-color, Bible-based student workbook contains 160 lessons with easy-to-learn manuscript writing exercises that include upper- and lower-case letters and words, numbers, punctuation, and more!



不要忽视在家庭学校教授良好手写技能的重要性。即使在当今的高科技世界中,您的孩子也会受益于能够填写表格、写感谢信并以正确的笔迹签名。借助 Horizons 一年级书法学生用书,您的家庭学生将通过引人入胜的日常写作课程学习手稿写作的基础知识,其中包括直线和圆练习、半圆、字母和简单的单词。Horizons 课程中友好、色彩缤纷的卡通人物让手稿写作充满乐趣!此外,随着您孩子手写能力的进步,他将学会在设计精美的工作表页面上写下每周的经文,适合用来装饰他的房间或作为礼物送给特别的人。

但还有更多!还强调了正确的姿势、手和铅笔的位置、字母的排列以及左手和右手的书写技巧,以使您在家上学时的书法教学变得轻而易举。让您的孩子为一生的手写成功做好准备。立即订购 Horizons 一年级书法学生用书!



Don't write off the importance of teaching good handwriting skills in your homeschool. Even in today's high-tech world, your child will benefit from being able to fill out forms, write thank-you notes, and sign his name in proper penmanship. With the Horizons 1st Grade Penmanship Student Book, your homeschooler will learn the fundamentals of manuscript writing with engaging, daily writing lessons that include line and circle practice, half circles, letters and simple words. Friendly, colorful cartoon characters within the Horizons curriculum make manuscript writing fun! Plus, as your child's handwriting abilities progress, he'll learn to write weekly Scripture verses on beautifully-designed worksheet pages suitable to use in decorating his room or giving as a gift to someone special.

But there's more! Correct posture, hand and pencil positions, letter formation, and left-handed and right-handed writing techniques are also emphasized to make teaching penmanship during your homeschooling a breeze. Prepare your child for a lifetime of handwriting success. Order your Horizons 1st Grade Penmanship Student Book today!



  • 打印工作簿
  • 螺旋式学习形式
  • 教师主导的课程
  • 彩色插图

At a Glance

  • Print workbooks
  • Spiral learning format
  • Teacher-led curriculum
  • Colorful illustrations


  • 基督教工作簿课程
  • PreK-12 年级
  • 基于螺旋式强化学习
  • 教师指导课程
  • 实践活动
  • 健康和体育选修课


  • Christian Workbook Curriculum
  • Grades PreK-12
  • Spiral-based to Reinforce Learning
  • Teacher-directed Curriculum
  • Hands-on Activities
  • Health and Physical Education Electives