LIFEPAC® 6th Grade Bible 10-Unit Set LIFEPAC®6年级圣经学生本10单元套装


Product Details






Publisher :  Alpha Omega Publications






Country/Region of Manufacture:United States



Product ID:  BIB0600

产品编码 -  BIB0600


Product Dimensions: 11.6 x 9.4 x 4 inches

产品尺寸:11.6 x 9.4 x 4英寸


ISBN: 9780867170122




  • 2.55 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1



Ready to teach your sixth grader about the Bible? Already have the teacher's guide? The LIFEPAC 6th Grade Bible 10-Unit Set is just what you need! These ten print-based consumables offer one full year of entertaining Bible lessons. Each worktext in this Alpha Omega curriculum includes easy-to-read text, self tests, and one teacher-administered test.



准备教六年级学生有关圣经的知识吗?已经有老师的指导了吗?LIFEPAC 6年级圣经10单元套装正是您所需要的!这十种基于印刷品的耗材提供了整整一年的有趣的圣经课程。此Alpha Omega课程中的每个工作文本都包含易于阅读的文本,自我测试和一项由老师管理的测试。




Are you looking for a user-friendly homeschool Bible curriculum? Do you already have the LIFEPAC teacher's guide? Alpha Omega Publications has the perfect solution—the LIFEPAC 6th Grade Bible 10-Unit Set! This comprehensive set of ten captivating, fun-to-use worktexts without a teacher's guide offers a complete overview of the Bible and provides a full year's worth of lessons. Each of the ten units in this Alpha Omega curriculum includes interesting text, colorful illustrations, and Bible verses from the King James Version. Topics include Creation, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, the Judges of Israel, Ruth, Saul, David, Solomon, the Divided Kingdom, captivity and restoration, the life of Jesus, the followers of Jesus, the apostle Paul, the book of Hebrews, the general epistles, and Revelation.

And if that's not enough, the LIFEPAC 6th Grade Bible 10-Unit Set will build your child's confidence as he completes each knowledge-building lesson! Your child will also feel a wonderful sense of achievement as he completes each ultra-slim, workbook-style worktext in just three to four weeks! Sound good? There's even more! Each LIFEPAC contains consistent reviews, self tests, and one teacher-administered test designed to reinforce and solidify student comprehension. Best of all, these same tests and reviews enable you to easily monitor your child's progress! So don't wait any longer—get a full year of sixth grade Bible lessons you and your child will enjoy! Add the LIFEPAC 6th Grade Bible 10-Unit set to your cart today!




您是否正在寻找用户友好的家庭学校圣经课程?您已经有LIFEPAC教师指南吗?Alpha Omega Publications提供了完美的解决方案-LIFEPAC 6年级圣经10单元套装!这套十本引人入胜的,有趣的,易于使用的工作文本,没有老师的指导,提供了圣经的完整概述,并提供了一整年的经验。此Alpha Omega课程的十个单元中的每个单元都包含有趣的文字,色彩丰富的插图以及来自《詹姆士王传》的圣经经文。主题包括创世,摩西,约书亚,撒母耳,以色列的士师,路得,扫罗,大卫,所罗门,分裂的王国,被囚禁和恢复,耶稣的生活,耶稣的追随者,使徒保罗,希伯来书,一般的书信和启示录。

如果还不够,那么LIFEPAC六年级圣经10单元套装将在孩子完成每堂知识构建课程时建立您的信心!当您的孩子在三到四个星期内完成每个超薄,工作簿样式的工作文本时,您也会感到非常的成就感!听起来不错?还有更多!每个LIFEPAC均包含一致的评论,自我测试以及一项旨在增强和巩固学生理解力的教师管理测试。最重要的是,这些相同的测试和评论使您能够轻松监控孩子的进度!因此,不要再等待了-享受一整年的六年级圣经课程,您和您的孩子都会喜欢!立即将LIFEPAC 6年级圣经10单元套装添加到您的购物车!