LIFEPAC® 2nd Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set LIFEPAC®2年级语言艺术学生本 10 单元套装


Product Details






Publisher :  Alpha Omega Publications






Country/Region of Manufacture:United States



Product ID: LAN0200

产品编码 - LAN0200



Product Dimensions: 11.6 x 9.4 x 4 inches

产品尺寸:11.6 x 9.4 x 4英寸


ISBN:  9780740319433





  • 4.4 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

Ready to teach your second grader language arts with the LIFEPAC program—but don't need the teacher's guide? Try LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set! These ten consumable worktexts provide language lessons for a whole year with grammar, writing, spelling, and reading instruction all integrated into one single subject!


准备通过LIFEPAC计划教二年级学生的语言艺术,但是不需要老师的指导吗?尝试LIFEPAC 2年级语言艺术10学分套装!这十种可消耗的工作语文提供了全年的语言课程,其中语法,写作,拼写和阅读说明全部集成到一个主题中!



Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of trying to teach language arts to your child? Need a great homeschool curriculum to help you with the job, but feel like you don't need the teacher's guide? You've come to the right place! LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set may be exactly what you're looking for! This Alpha Omega curriculum set contains ten, full-color worktexts created especially for growing readers. Each Bible-based second grade language arts worktext offers a mix of colorful illustrations, easy to follow lessons, and ample opportunity for both oral and written practice of new skills. This unique, integrated language arts course provides instruction in grammar, writing, reading, and spelling! Topics covered include: phrases, sentences, capitals, punctuation, creative writing, contractions, root words, dictionary skills, cursive writing, singular and plural verbs, verb tense, suffixes, ABC order, and a continuation of the study of phonics.

But that's just the beginning! The LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set contains easy-to-follow lessons which include a variety of fill-in-the-blank questions, oral and written exercises, penmanship practice, spelling lessons, and much more. Plus, since each engaging worktext can be completed in as little as three to four weeks, your student will experience a regular sense of accomplishment at the completion of each one! And each LIFEPAC worktext in this Alpha Omega curriculum also includes concept reviews and self tests to reinforce and solidify comprehension—plus a removable teacher-administered unit test. Sounds great, doesn't it? Don't wait—order the best-selling LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set today.




试图为您的孩子教授语言艺术的想法让您感到不知所措?需要一本很棒的家庭学校课程来帮助您完成工作,但是您觉得自己不需要老师的指导吗?您来对地方了!LIFEPAC 2年级语言艺术10单元套装可能正是您想要的!该Alpha Omega课程集包含十个全彩色工作文本,专门为不断增长的读者创建。每个基于圣经的二年级语言艺术作品都提供了丰富的插图,易于学习的课程以及充足的机会进行新技能的口头和书面练习。这门独特的综合性语言艺术课程提供语法,写作,阅读和拼写方面的指导!涵盖的主题包括:词组,句子,大写字母,标点符号,创意写作,收缩词,词根,

但这仅仅是开始!LIFEPAC 2年级语言艺术10单元套装包含易于遵循的课程,其中包括各种填空题,口头和书面练习,笔法练习,拼写课程等等。另外,由于每个引人入胜的工作文本都可以在短短的三到四个星期内完成,因此您的学生在完成每个工作文本时都会有定期的成就感!而且,此Alpha Omega课程中的每个LIFEPAC工作文本还包括概念审核和自测,以增强和巩固理解能力,以及可移动的教师管理的单元测试。听起来不错,不是吗?不要等待,立即订购最畅销的LIFEPAC 2年级语言艺术10学分套装。